December 2024

Dec 4
violetWednesday of the week in Advent.
Mass of the day. Preface of Advent I
Hours of the day.
whiteSt John Damascene, priest and doctorOptional
Brisbane, Qld
white Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (1897)Feast
Mass and Hours of the Anniversary; gloria, Te Deum
1 K 8: 22-23, 27-30; Ps 84: 3-5, 10-11; ; Mt 16: 13-19.
Other readings may be chosen ad libitum from the Common.
Gizo, Solomon Islands
white Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (2011)Feast
Mass and Hours of the Anniversary; gloria, Te Deum

Variables for the Current Year

Golden Number  11
Epact  xix
Solar Cycle 17
Letter of the Martyrology: u
Roman Year of Indiction 2
Julian Period: Year 6738
Years since the confirmation of the Order: 809
Years since the passing of our Holy Father Dominic  804
Sunday Readings  Cycle  A
Weekday Readings  Cycle   I